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It's a fun step to take!

(We couldn't resist the cheesy cartoon house...)
(We couldn't resist the cheesy cartoon house...)

For many young Kiwi's, buying their first home is one of the top five on their guide to being a grown up, alongside getting their first job, travelling, getting married, and perhaps even having children. The timing is different for everybody, and we have helped first home buyers as young as 18 right up to 50 year olds to purchase their first home.

Many people think that buying their first home is big and scary and will take a lot of time and effort. It doesn't have to be this way, it's meant to be exciting and fun, and we can help with that.

If we're organised and have a plan right from the start, we can make it easy. Our approach is always to cut through the jargon and simplify everything so you can see a clear path through to owning your own home. 

And that's why we've put together a short guide which will take you through the entire process from start to finish;

  1. The first step is to get in touch with us. We'll have a chat about where you're at, where you want to go, and we'll make a plan of how to get there.

  2. You'll fill out an online form, and send them to us with a few supporting details, which we'll then turn into an initial offer of finance to buy your first home.

  3. You're free to find the right home for you, and we'll be there to answer questions as you need it. Once an offer has been accepted, we'll gather any final information and confirm your finance offer.

  4. We'll negotiate the best deal and rates with the banks, and we'll sit down and talk with you about how you can pay off your mortgage as quickly as possible.

  5. You'll sign loan documents with your lawyer, and you'll be a home owner on settlement day!

The entire process can take as little as a month from start to finish or you might find yourself saving or searching for years to find the right property... We're here for the entire process, and are also in close contact with not only you, but your lawyer and even your Real Estate Agent as well. 

We'll make sure everything happens right, on time and with no fuss.

So if you're thinking about buying, now is the time! Get in touch with the My Mortgage today to talk about how we can get you into your first home with our friendly, no-nonsense approach.


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